YEAH Project - Final Event

After two years of intense work, the YEAH consortium will share the findings and outputs of the YEAH project, setting the base for the future education of young people to be involved in health science projects.
Patients involvement in clinical trials with drugs and medical devices in the paediatric setting still is a fragmented experience. Training will provide to young people the right knowledge and expertise to change this paradigm to perform clinical research and to swift it to a patient-centric approach. The project partners of the YEAH worked in the delivery of a training programme to provide to facilitators of Young Person's Advisory Groups, professionals of Patient Organizations and teachers of High Schools the right tools to ensure that young people is ready to be involved in a more participatory research ecosystem, where their rights of active participation in health science are the pillar of any project.
On Monday December 20th, 17:00 – 18:00 CEST, you are invited to join with other interested stakeholders to the online end meeting and discussion of this project.
Next to several presentations on the approach and tools that have been created during the project’s lifetime, we will promote an interactive discussion where the consortium will answer questions from the audience.
Please register your interest here.
17:00-17:05 h Welcome and General presentation of the YEAH project. Begonya Nafria, Patient Engagement in Research Coordinator at Sant Joan de Déu Children's Hospital.
17:05-17:10 h Benefits of involving children and young people in the design of medical devices. Sponsor perspective. Concha Querol, Patient Experience Department, Medtronic Ibérica
17:10-17:15 h Benefits of involving children and young people in the design of clinical trials. Sponsor perspective. Heidrun Hildebrand, Pediatric Development Alliance Manager at Bayer & Anna Bergós, Medical Advisor at Sanofi
17:25-17:35 h Pedagogical model of the YEAH project, Oriol de Bolós and Anna Maria Codina, Instructional Designers at IL3 - Universitat de Barcelona
17:35-17:40 h Ethical considerations in the design of educational content for involving minors in health sciences, Júlia Martín, Phd in Bioethics, Universitat de Barcelona
17:40-17:45 h Case study: a new Young Person's Advisory Group in Latvia, Ieva Lejniece, International Project Manager, Riga Children's Clinical University Hospital
17:45-17:55 h Questions and answers